Research Advisory Council

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Research Advisory Council

The Partnership’s Research Advisory Council is made up of expert practitioners, advocates and scholars from the public, private and nonprofit sectors who advise on our research agenda, challenge us to explore new ideas and support the Partnership’s mission.

Council Members

Thumbnail for Angela Bednarek

Director, Evidence Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Angela Bednarek directs the evidence project at Pew, which aims to promote and facilitate systemic change in the ways research is generated, mobilized, and used. She leads efforts to build collaborations among funders, researchers, decision-makers, 与其他利益攸关方一道,确定并促进各部门在可操作研究和循证决策方面的有希望的做法. Bednarek持有圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)生物学和工作室艺术学士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)生物学博士学位.

Thumbnail for Beth Simone Noveck

Professor, Northeastern University and Director, The Governance Lab
Beth Simone Noveck is a professor at Northeastern University, where she directs the Burnes Family Center for Social Change and Impact and its partner project, The Governance Lab (The GovLab) and its MacArthur Research Network on Opening Governance. The author most recently of Solving Public Problems: How to Fix Our Government and Change Our World (Yale Press 2021), she is also Core Faculty at the Institute for Experiential AI (IEAI) at Northeastern. 新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲 任命 她为该州首任首席创新官,总理安格拉·默克尔也以她的名字命名 Digital Council in 2018.

Thumbnail for Dan Chenok

Executive Director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government
Dan Chenok is Executive Director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government. He oversees all of the Center’s activities in connecting research to practice to benefit government, and has written and spoken extensively around government technology, cybersecurity, privacy, regulation, budget, acquisition, and Presidential transitions. Mr. Chenok previously led consulting services for Public Sector Technology Strategy, working with IBM government, healthcare, and education clients.

Thumbnail for danah boyd

Partner Researcher at Microsoft Research
danah boyd is a Partner Researcher at Microsoft Research, the founder and president of Data & Society, a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown University, and a Visiting Professor at New York University. Her research focuses on the intersection of technology and society, with an eye to how structural inequities shape and are shaped by technologies. 她目前正在对美国人口普查进行一项为期多年的人种学研究,以了解数据是如何合法化的. For more:

Thumbnail for Efraín Gutiérrez

Senior Fellow, Center for Evaluation Innovation
Efraín gutisamurez(他/他)是评估创新中心(CEI)的高级研究员,他专注于重新构想战略, evaluation, and research practices so that philanthropy is in service of racial equity and justice. Before CEI he served as inaugural Head of Impact and Evaluation at the Obama Foundation. 他在墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的泛美大学获得学士学位,并在埃文斯公共政策学院获得硕士学位 & Governance at the University of Washington. He is a proud queer immigrant from Capilla de Guadalupe, a small town in Jalisco Mexico, and currently lives in San Francisco CA.

Thumbnail for Elizabeth Linos

Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Co-Director of The People Lab, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Elizabeth Linos is the Michelle J. 施瓦兹公共政策助理教授,加州大学高盛公共政策学院人民实验室联合主任, Berkeley. 她的研究重点是政府劳动力和服务提供,特别是我们如何改善招聘和选择的多样性, how to reduce burnout at work, and how different work environments affect performance and motivation in government. 她还研究了如何使用低成本的干预措施来减轻低收入家庭在与政府互动时面临的行政负担. Dr. Linos是北美行为洞察团队的前副总裁兼研究与评估主管,该团队与美国政府机构合作.S. and U.K. to improve programs using behavioral science and to build capacity around rigorous evaluation. She also worked directly in government as a policy advisor to the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, focusing on social innovation and public sector reform.

Thumbnail for Grace Lacy-Hansell

Deputy Director of Programs, Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation, Georgetown University

格蕾丝·莱西-汉塞尔(Grace Lacy-Hansell)领导着贝克社会影响与创新中心的项目,该中心将学生聚集在一起, expert practitioners, and extended networks to conduct research and work on projects that solve societal challenges using data, design, and technology as instruments for equitable change. 她的学术和职业生涯都致力于通过改变造成经济和社会差异的制度来解决这些差异. Grace持有芝加哥大学社会政策硕士学位和乔治城大学政治经济学学士学位.

Thumbnail for Jenna Ben Yehuda

詹娜·本·耶胡达是杜鲁门国家安全项目和杜鲁门国家政策中心的总裁兼首席执行官. A former State Department official with private sector experience, Ben-Yehuda is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council on U.S. national security, a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the founder of Women’s Foreign Policy Network, a global community of 6,500 women.

Thumbnail for Jim Cook

Vice President, Strategic Engagements and Partnerships, MITRE
James Cook is vice president for Strategic Engagement and Partnerships at MITRE. In this role, 他领导与行政机构和国会的战略企业伙伴关系互动,并促进与私营部门的新战略伙伴关系的发展, academia, and other non-profit, associations and foundations to address public interest challenges at the federal, state, and municipal levels.

Thumbnail for John Kroger

President and CEO, Rodel Leadership Institute
John has had a distinguished career in higher education and public service, including prior work as a United States Marine, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Attorney General of Oregon, President of Reed College, Vice President of the Aspen Institute, and Chief Learning Officer of the United States Navy and Marine Corps.  He has taught throughout his career, with appointments as Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School, Hauser Leader in Residence at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Visiting Professor at Lewis and Clark Law School, and Visiting Lecturer in Political Science at Yale University.  He currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Rodel Leadership institute.

Thumbnail for Judy Prior-Ramirez

Clinical Assistant Professor of Public Service; Director of Executive Master of Public Administration Program, New York University, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
朱迪是纽约大学电子竞技押注平台临床助理教授和公共管理执行硕士项目主任. Her teaching and research examine the leadership of nonprofit, social justice movement building, and public leaders using race, gender, and class analyses. Judy engages in qualitative methodologies and specializes in community-based participatory action research. Dedicated to enabling transformative possibilities, Judy centers justice and equity in her teaching, practice, and research. 朱迪还在新学院领导了15年的战略公民参与和社会正义倡议, Emerson College, and the University of Richmond. As a result of her leadership, she was selected to serve on the national advisory board member of Imagining America where she led the nominations process resulting in increased racial/ethnic diversity on the board. In addition to writing, 朱迪是一名过程促进者和教学法培训师,她在罗克伍德领导学院接受过培训, Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute, and Liberating Structures as well as her scholarly research in women of color feminist scholarship, critical race theory, and transformative learning theory. Since 2012, she has taught, advised, and mentored undergraduate and graduate students at The New School, The College of Mount Saint Vincent, Drew University, and Bard College. Judy holds an MA in Sociology and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a BA in Communication from George Mason University.

Thumbnail for Laura Lucas Magnuson

Executive Vice President, Global Programs, The Barack Obama Foundation
Laura Lucas Magnuson is the Executive Vice President for Global Programs at the Obama Foundation, where she leads efforts to support and train young leaders around the world. 此前,她曾担任卡内基国际和平基金会(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)负责传播与战略的副总裁. Laura was a Foreign Service Officer for more than a decade, serving at the U.S. embassies in Nepal and the Czech Republic, as a Special Assistant to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 在白宫担任国家安全委员会的发言人和战略沟通主任, responsible for Europe and Russia, South and Central Asia, cybersecurity, and international economic policy.

Thumbnail for Lauren Speigel

Interim Director of Impact & Evaluation, Code for America

Lauren Speigel is the Interim Director of Impact & Evaluation at Code for America. 她热衷于使用严谨的研究和以人为本的设计,为资源不足的城市社区制定有影响力的政策和计划. Previously, 她曾担任纽约大学法学院警务项目的首任研究主任,并作为伊曼纽尔市长的高级政策顾问和芝加哥大学犯罪实验室的研究员,多年来一直致力于减少城市枪支暴力. 劳伦在芝加哥大学获得公共政策硕士学位,毕业于鲍登学院.

Thumbnail for Nick Hart

President, Data Foundation
Nick Hart, Ph.D. is President of the Data Foundation, a national non-profit organization that works to improve government, business, and society through open data and evidence-informed public policy. He is a fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center and with the National Academy of Public Administration. Dr. Hart previously served as the Policy and Research Director for the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking and worked at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Thumbnail for Dr. RaJade M. Berry-James

Senior Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs

RaJade M. Berry-James, Ph.D., is the senior associate dean of faculty and academic affairs at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Berry-James是国会特许的国家公共管理学院(NAPA)的当选院士,并被NAPA董事会任命为社会公平治理常设小组主席, beginning January 2023. Berry-James was also elected as Vice President and President-Elect of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) and currently serves as President of NASPAA for the 2023-24 term. She brings an extensive record of service to the network, having served as a member of NASPAA’s Executive Council, and two-time chair of the NASPAA Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA). Dr. Berry-James has spent more than 30 years in higher education, serving as Chair of the Faculty, MPA Program Coordinator, Ph.D. Program Coordinator, and Director of Graduate Programs for small, large, and research-intensive graduate programs. She is also a consultant, specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as assessment and accreditation in higher education.

Thumbnail for Sadia Sindhu

Executive Director, University of Chicago Center for Effective Government
Sadia Sindhu是芝加哥大学有效政府中心(CEG)的创始执行董事。, a premier research institute designed to study, debate, 推进改革,加强民主制度,提高政府解决公共问题的能力. Sadia拥有西北大学高等教育政策硕士学位和乔治城大学国际政治学士学位. She is a Fellow of the second class of the Civil Society Fellowship, a Partnership of ADL and The Aspen Institute, and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.

Thumbnail for Victor Odoewa

Service Design Lead, Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Victor Udoewa is a Service Design Lead in the Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology at the CDC. He previously served as CTO, CXO, 美国国家航空航天局小企业创新研究和小企业技术转移项目的服务设计负责人. He was the Director of Strategy at 18F, a civic consultancy for the federal government inside the federal government. He led the digital strategy practice and served as a designer and strategist on projects. Previously, as a Global Education Instructional Designer and Training Development Specialist at Google, he designed learning products and services for people in low-to-middle-income countries around the world. 培训内容可能包括如何开发网络应用程序以及如何使用互联网改善教学, 探索如何在灾后紧急情况下使用互联网技术以及全球数字素养的经验. Prior to Google he served at USAID and DHS as a science & technology policy advisor and development engineer focusing on infrastructure, post-disaster reconstruction, climate neutrality and global health.